Leadership During Challenging Times

Community Recovery & Resiliency

The 2017 wildfires were a wake-up call to everyone in our community after Sonoma County was hit by the most destructive natural disaster to devastate our community in more than a century. In the 4 years since October 8-9, 2017, I've been inspired by our community's ability to come together to rebuild and recover -- creating a much stronger, resilient and more prepared community than we were four years ago (as evident through our response to the 2019 Kincade Fire and 2020 Wahlbridge Fire).  As your Supervisor, I am committed to doing everything I can to continue our unrelenting pursuit of progress on this and other important issues.  Please click here to review much-needed resources to be ready for the next fire or natural disaster. You can also contact me with any questions or concerns you may have regarding this or other issues facing Sonoma County.

All my best,

James Gore
4th District Sonoma County Supervisor

Getting things done for Sonoma County

Since James took office, he’s been hard at work to deliver for Sonoma County.  Some of his accomplishments since taking office include:

  • Leading rebuilding efforts in the wake of the 2017 wildfires and creating a model used around the state for fire prevention and preparedness
  • Working with businesses and residents during the pandemic to keep our community safe, healthy and economically vibrant
  • Investing record sums in road repairs (more than any other County in California)
  • Strengthening our economy, increasing reserve funds and reining in unfunded pension liabilities
  • Facilitating civic engagement while increasing transparency and accountability
  • Protecting our environment and natural resources
  • Strengthening our public schools and supporting increased investments in public education
  • Improving our quality of life

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Ongoing Issues

Supervisor Gore is committed to working for you and all our residents to improve our quality of life.  Some of the biggest issues James continues to work on include:

  • Bolstering partnerships to prepare for future wildfires through fuels reduction /vegetation management programs and sustaining partnerships on community-based programs such as Citizens Organized to Prepare for Emergencies (C.O.P.E.)
  • Advancing efforts to create more affordable rental housing, reduce homelessness and build equity amongst our most vulnerable populations
  • Ongoing efforts to repair our roads
  • Addressing historic drought conditions with emphasis on helping the most affected North County communities: Cloverdale, Geyserville and Healdsburg
  • Developing a more sustainable pension system
  • Improving our watersheds and water resources
  • Protecting our environment and open spaces

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